Monday, June 21, 2010

i may not agree with what u say, but i'll fight for ur right to speak it out loud

one of my best friends (fadia) wrote in her own blog about mine, and she described me as an ( arguer by nature ), some people would consider that as a bad thing in ones character , specially for a girl, For me being an arguer is one of the things that i like about myself. But i wouldn't call it arguing ,coz the word brings me a picture of tow politicians fighting :S, i call it discussion and may be sometimes i get over excited and i start supporting my opinions with facts and clues , but still it's not arguing :\ .

And you know what annoys me most about some people ?
the way they are handling other's different opinions. I remember having a conversation with one of my friends and we were discussing a subject that we both had an extremely different opinions about. I was calm all the time we were talking , even though sometimes she was saying things that doesn't make sense at all :S, but what got into me and made me really angry that when she was running out of good excuses to support what she was saying she start judging and she called me secularist "3elmanyyah" and she told me that i was so wrong and i should "araje3 nafsi" at that point i realized that there is no point of talking to her and i got very angry, i slapped my hand on the table in front of me , to catch her attention coz she started ignoring me :\ , and i said to her : you should at least have some civilized attitude when you are having a conversation with anybody, and im not talking about the stupid judgment and the names calling coz this is way too hard for your brain to comprehend but at least look at me when im talking to you. The girl was shocked and her eyes were wide open , i realized i was a little hard on her and i apologized trying to explain myself.

everyone has all the right in the world to speak up and say whatever s\he believes in , and they deserve to be heard .

In a country were we "as women" have to agree to whatever men says and we "as arabs" have no freedom of speech , we should at least be able to express ourselves among the small, safe societies that we created for ourselves from our family and friends.

anyhow, i could go on and on and never stop :P
tell me what you think :D


Anonymous said...

لو شفتي في اي وقت ان الحق معاكي .. لاتهتمي ابدا بأي اسم ممكن احد من الناس يقوله .. علماني ملحد دبه متخلف .. كلها في النهاية ضياعة حجه وعدم قدره على مواصلة النقاش .. وفي الاخير .. مافي احد مجبر يتبع رأي احد ثاني لا لراجل ولا لغيره .. كل انسان يمتلك هوية وشخصيه ولو الرجل مااحترم هذا الشي وحب ان الناس كلهم يتبعوه فهذا مو رجل اساسا .. وكل انسان لازم يثق في اراؤه ونفسه ويطنش ويحاول يسوي اي شي ولو ماقدر اهم شي هوا مايتغير :) ولو الرأي الصح كان ينقال له علماني .. فالحمد لله اللي جعلك علمانيه .. وعلى العموم الكلمه ماتزعل .. سلام

AuRoRa said...

thank u who ever u are ^_^
it's not that i know im right all the time . it's just respecting others differences no matter what do u think about them...
and im not angry of the word 3elmanyah i was actually laughing coz she meant to hurt me by saying it :P

thanks again for commenting

Anonymous said...

الشكر ليكي على كتابتك .. على العموم في السعوديه وفي اماكن اخرى تربى فيها الناس على تربيه سلفيه متعصبه .. يصعب على الكل تفهم وجهة نظر الاخرين عطفا على تقبلها .. وحتى ليبرالي السعوديه تجهده متعصبا .. لذلك كتبت في البدايه لازم تثقي في نفسك وارائك وماتخلي احد يغيرها حتى لو لم يتقبلهاومو قاعد اقلك اتمسكي برأيك من غير عقلانيه .. اهم شي ماتتغيري من اللي حولك مين ماكانوا .. العفو مجددا :) سلام ...

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